Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Baby Appointment

Today I had a baby appointment. Yippee.

They told me I was 15 weeks and 1 day, so i've apparently been off in my calculating. Oops! I'm going to go back and adjust the baby bump pictures because that can make things misleading.. mostly for myself.

Regardless, here are some stats:
Blood Pressure - 117/70
Pee - Negative for too much glucose/protein
Weight - Gained 3 lbs so far this pregnancy
Feelings - Like i'm not pregnant.. so basically normal
Baby's Heart rate - 140 bpm (last appointment was 157 bpm)

Next appointment is the anatomy scan. Unfortunately, it's 4 weeks away. But it IS on a monday, which is a relief I won't have to wait all week that week.

I might take this blog public (aka on facebook for a one time, looks it's a blog type post) after we know the gender. I'm still thinking about it. We're definitely going to announce the gender via official announcement because I don't think all of our family friends know. The ones we don't talk to on the regular anyway!

Happy Tuesday!

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