Friday, December 2, 2011

Our weekend with Makayla

We were lucky enough to have my 6 year old niece Makayla join us for the better part of Saturday and Sunday. She is the cutest and the smartest 6 year old i've ever met. Here's what we did to entertain her while she was with us!

When my sister and mom brought her down, we all headed to Isaac's for some lunch and then to the mall for a little bit. Makayla and I sat on Santa's lap (because she wouldn't do it alone) and despite almost crushing his leg, he basically granted my christmas wish to have a baby girl. (Like it was a choice?) Since we weren't allowed to just take a cellphone picture from inside the santa area, Alex took one from afar.

After the mall, we headed home and got down to gingerbread village business. I bought the kit at the grocery store and it was 4 or 5 tiny gingerbread houses. I had to whip up some more icing (that we kind of didn't really use) and our houses weren't exactly the most attractive or.. well, stable. Makayla did a great job though and she barely got messy! Alex and I on the other hand were quite messy and I'm pretty sure there are still candy sprinkles on the floor.

When we completed our village, we sat down to a nice dinner of Velveeta shells and cheese and broccoli. We needed to hurry a little bit so we could make the movie we planned to see, which was The Muppets. Honestly, and I can say this because Makayla doesn't read my blog, the Muppets was cheesy. I know it's a family movie and stuff but cut down on the cheese and maybe I would've liked it more. It was fine though. I can't say I laughed at all but I know there were some people beside me cracking up, so something must've been funny. We were asked for popcorn quite a few times but reminded the little miss that if she got popcorn at the theater, she wouldn't get ice cream when we got home. She choose the ice cream, as any smart person would do.

At home afterward, we ate ice cream and played some Mario coin runner and then put Makayla to bed in the middle of our King Size (thank god we have a king size). Alex and I hung out a little bit before joining her. The good thing about Makayla is she's always been a really good sleeper. Even when she was younger, all you would have to say is "close your eyes, keep them closed and when you wake up it will be morning" and it worked. At least anytime I've put her to bed. She is a mover and a shaker though. I think I got hit in the face once.. Alex probably got hit a couple of times. She turned diagonal in the bed with her feet in my back. I specifically turned my back so she couldn't kick my stomach, lol. It was an interesting night to say the least!

So now I have a song from the Muppet movie in my head called "Am I a Man, or Am I a Muppet?" sheesh!

Anyway.. Makayla woke up Sunday morning at 7am! I gave her my iPad to keep her busy but this didn't last all that long before she was asking for pancakes, since she knew we planned to make them for breakfast. We tried and failed at making pancakes with cookie cutters, unfortunately. But the pancakes tasted good and I would totally make that an every Sunday deal if Alex would let me. After pancakes we did some coloring. We played more coin runner and I made our pizza dough for lunch later on. We decided to go to a nearby park to play for a little bit and when we got home, Makayla and I made our pizzas (ugh, i missed taking a picture of this!) and watched Alice in Wonderland. After the movie, I took her back up to home base and we ended up going to Hoss's for dinner with my mom and Julia. YUM!

I totally get (more than before) how 24/7 being a parent is. Granted, with your own kids you don't constantly have to entertain them, but adding in fun activities spices things up and keeps things interesting! We're really lucky that Makayla is so well behaved and mature for her age so she can keep up with us really easily and we can keep up with her. We had a great time, and hopefully when our baby girl is a little bit older, she can come visit us again!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A long holiday weekend =

a long recap blog post. so if you don't want to read alll about it.. just quit while you're ahead ;)

Wednesday, I got out of work at 3pm which is like heaven on a stick. I made a caramel apple cheeesecake pie from this recipe, which has been working out for me for about 3 years now give or take and my Auntie Christine loves it, am I right Aunt Chris? Anywho, Alex and I did our normal weeknight routine with the addition of hanging out with Nick, Laurel and Nate for a couple hours. Cue the debates about warfare.

Thursday was Thanksgiving, obviously! We headed up to my parents around 9am to spend some quality time before going over to Da's house. (Da is what we call my paternal grandmother). When we got there we got down to business of setting up the table by filling drinks etc. because we had to eat before the Packers game started. The food was delish per usual and after everyone was filled to the brim, we watched a little football. Well, okay, I watched a little and then retired to the kitchen to peruse the black friday newspaper inserts. I can't believe how cheap HDTVs are right now. Who's with me? It's crazy! If only I were in the market for a new TV! (i'm not, hello, baby on the way)

Anyway, at about 2pm we had to take off from Da's to head to our next destination, Lynn and Debbie Brubaker's in Kimberton (1.5 hours away from Camp Hill). We arrived in good time with time to socialize before the meal started. It was really nice to see everyone and catch up a little bit. I even got to show pictures of baby girl since we brought them along. We don't get to spend holidays with the extended Brubaker family very often so it was nice to see them. Plus, Lynn and Debbie do NOT disappoint when it comes to hosting and the food that they and everyone else contributed was delicious! That turkey was probably the moistest thing I have ever eaten (sorry Alex, you make a good turkey too). I wish I had more room in my belly for more food but I was stuffed! We spent the evening chatting and also playing Rumikub with Nate and Laura.. love that game!

Friday, Alex had to work so I got to sleep in! Thank goodness! Though that really only lasted until about 9am. When I eventually got out of bed, I decided to hit up Carter's outlet for the insane sale they were having of 50% off plus I had a 20% off coupon plus got another 10% off for getting there before noon! The outlets weren't as bad as I had anticipated. On my way there, I took a bit of a shortcut down Old Philly Pike and a cop ended up behind me in a 35 zone (annoying) .. then we're waiting at a red light and the person across the way breezes right through it. What did the cop do? Turn around and pull them over? Nope, he stayed behind me and basically ignored it! Cray-zay! I was a bit peeved but whatever. Back to Carter's. That place (as I've said before) is overwhelming. And I totally know I shouldn't be buying my baby clothing before even having a baby shower but I could NOT pass up that kind of sale. So I bought a couple of things for when she's older that she can wear. As well as some really cute summer outfits that were on clearance!
After Carter's, I headed to Neato Burrito to pick myself up something and then to Saigon to get Alex and Keith some lunch. We all had a nice time chatting about baby stuff and eating our yummy food. Neato Burrito is good but it is filling (cue Anchorman quote and the subsequent punting of poor Baxter). After lunch, I headed home just in time to see the surprise from Omer and Charmayne delivered by Charmayne, Nick and Laurel. They were starving so they didn't stay but the surprise awaited setup in the basement. I'm pumped about it, it's going to be so fun! So I put up some Christmas decor and then drew the tree on the nursery wall so it's ready for painting. It's looking really good and if all goes according to plan I will have saved a TON of money just painting it myself instead of buying the set of decals. (Enter shameless self promotion). Then it was time to head to Iron Hill to meet up with the Bru-clan since Alex and Omer usually do that on Friday's that he works anyway. We couldn't stay long however because we had to head up to my Grandparents house for the Christmas Tree decorating celebration which included a house filled with cousins running wild and aunts and uncles to catch up with. We had a good time and took lots of pictures. I had a really nice chat with my cousin Sarah who is due with her 3rd baby in May. She cloth diapers so I got all the dirty details (ha!) about what she uses and how she cleans them and all of that stuff. I've been meaning to ask her all about it so I'm glad I had that opportunity. I'll do another post on cloth diapers because I did take the time to make a spreadsheet (are you surprised?) and the savings are in-sane!

Saturday morning we had breakfast planned with Alex's parents (Omer and Charmayne) and Nick and Laurel. Alex made potatoes (yum) and a napa cabbage dish and I cut up apples and kind of unsuccessfully roasted grapefruit (it just tasted like regular grapefruit by the time we got there, bc it wasn't warm anymore). Anyway, they already had a whole spread waiting so we chowed down and it was yummy. I used to not enjoy breakfast so much but it's growing on me. After breakfast we engaged in a cut-throat game of Yatzhee which I stunk horribly at. The 2nd game we started I was doing killer but it ended up we had to leave before we could finish.

I plan to do a separate post of the activities we did while babysitting my 6 year old niece Makayla, so I'm going to insert here a few teasers: Santa. Gingerbread village. Movies.

Sunday I took Makayla back to my mom's house around 3pm. I stayed and chatted for a little while, just as Makayla expected I would. Then they said they were going to Hoss's so I joined them. I never EVER say no to Hoss's. Ever. Never ever ever. Anyway, to Hoss's we went and it was nice to just eat salad for dinner and not get overfilled for once that weekend. Then I made the trip back home and got to spend some relax time with Alex before drifting off into the best sleep I've had all weekend.

And we all lived happily ever after. The end.

Work in Progress

Just so no one is alarmed (like you'd actually be alarmed, ha!).. I am redesigning my blog layout. There's a lot to learn in this that I do NOT know currently. So i'll do my best to get it done quickly.

Just an FYI of sorts!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Very Merry (Pinterest) Christmas :: Decor Edition

Check out this decor inspiration, courtesy of my Pinterest boards. :)
So glad I can finally share these since I pinned a bunch of them months ago!

Mantle Decor

Marshmallow Wreath

Snowflake 'Wreath'

Festive Floating Candle

Hanging Candy Canes

Santa Key (for those without chimney's)

Easy Glittery Candle

Felt Circle Wreath

Ruffled Tree Skirt

Monday, November 28, 2011

2 months to go!

2 months sounds long doesn't it? Today I am 32 weeks out of 40 weeks. That's 8 weeks left. If each month were 4 weeks, that would be 2 months. Ish.

This week, baby girl feels like a jicama if you were to hold one. What is a jicama you ask? Look it up because I don't know how to describe it other than saying it looks like a potato but more round. Here's a picture. And in case you were wondering how to say jicama, it sounds like hick-a-ma.

She is about 16 inches long. That's longer than a ruler, people!

How she squeezes into my tummy I will never fully understand. Babies are flexible I guess.

Anyway, she's doing great. She gets hungry a lot so I have to feed her a lot and by her, I mean me. I think she was in a food coma a couple times this past weekend.. all hopped up on Tryptophan. But she's kicking around in there like a champ. She gets the hiccups a decent amount too and sometimes it's pretty fast.. so fast that I think "these can't be hiccups" (sidebar, when you type something you're thinking is it necessary to use ""?) but they probably are hiccups.

We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow where I plan to ask the following question: Why don't they do a final ultrasound when you're at your 'last' appointment before labor (if they think it could be your last appointment) to check the position of the baby? Couldn't this save lives? Or at least decrease the risk of emergency c-sections because they'll know things they can't tell without an ultrasound? Does it really cost that much to do an extra ultrasound? Anyway, i'm pretty curious about this obviously so I'm on the case and I'll report back.

The other questions I plan to ask are a tad too personal to include in this here blog. My apologies for even mentioning it! If you really want to know you can ask me and I will tell you.

I'm just happy to be asking questions since usually when I go I don't have anything prepared to ask.

A couple things we need to nail down though is our pediatrician and our childcare provider for the part time I will be at work (hopefully, fingers crossed). I really appreciate everyone who wrote on the FB post that I put up asking who to go to and I will be looking into all of them.

Tonight is our last childbirth class where we'll be learning about infant care. Maybe they'll even teach those of us who don't know how to change a diaper. Should be fun! It will be nice to have Monday night's back though. This week is super duper busy with the family coming in on Friday. I have tons to clean. TONS! Want me to document it with pictures? Okay, if you insist.

Happy 32 weeks to me and baby bru!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What we did last weekend..

Last weekend, Alex was away with some friends at a cabin in the woods.

I did a bunch of stuff while he was gone like visiting my family and seeing my grandparents. It was a nice weekend, just what I needed before the holiday weekend starts.

Here is a picture of me and Makayla from Saturday!

Monday, November 21, 2011

9 weeks remain!

T-9 weeks left! Can you believe it? It seems like a lot but at the same time, a little!

My mom was kind enough to buy me my first maternity shirt, she did a good job, didn't she?

This week, baby girl is about 16 inches long and weighs about 3.3 pounds. She's currently kicking or punching me in the ribs (this is a first) which feels interesting. I wish I knew whether it was her feet or her hands since at the last appointment she was breech. Let's hope she's made the turn! Other than that she's just supposed to be putting on weight. Grow baby grow!

Things with me are going well, nothing crazy to complain about. As we move closer and closer to her due date I keep waiting to start feeling tired or super uncomfortable and trust me, sometimes I feel uncomfortable but it's not a constant thing. Putting on shoes is probably the hardest thing I have to deal with.

I'm glad that her nursery is moving along too and I know it'll be filled after the baby shower in a few weeks. My sister just gave me the baby swing from my niece on Saturday so we have that to add to the collection of things. I can't wait to have everything put together and in it's place.

We don't have birthing class this week due to the holiday and I don't have another appointment until next week so not too much else to report!

We just can't wait for her to get here!!