Thursday, October 20, 2011

Teaser: The Quilt

Just a teaser photo of the quilt that Alex's mom, Charmayne is making for our baby girl.

Charmayne was telling me yesterday how intensive quilting is, which I wasn't aware of. I didn't realize that after you sew all of your squares together and put the batting in and sew the back on that you have to go through by hand and sew on top of all the squares again. I repeat, by hand. I guess I didn't know much about quilting but I have to say, not that we weren't thankful for this before, we are, definitely, but there's a lot of love, time and effort going into this quilt from Grandma Charmayne. I hope our baby girl will grow with it her whole life and when we explain to her how much love went into it, she'll treasure it forever.

Hot! Peppers

For the last couple years, Alex has been growing hot peppers (or chiles). We generally use the jalepenos and serranos for salsa and guacamole and Alex puts them on lots of other stuff too.

 He's grown a few other varieties that aren't easily found in grocery stores and farmers markets in our area. Most of these pepper will never even get close to my lips because they're all past my heat tolerance.

With a lot of these pepper plants, he gets a bountiful harvest and can't decide what to do with all of them, so he strings them up to dry in our dining room. The ones he currently has strung up in the dining room are Thai Yellow, De arbol, Punjab small and Assum. Honestly, I don't know what's what in the pictures. There's lots of orange this year which is perfect for fall and halloween and also some red which will carry into Christmas. He uses them as much as he can (since I can't really tolerate levels of spice greater than a serrano) but some of them end up going to waste when they've been dried and hanging for over a year.. there's just too many to eat.

He has to wear gloves or else the peppers will burn his fingers!
If anyone is interested in trying any of the varieties I've listed. We'd be happy to give you one of the peppers to eat/use in cooking/trick your friends (though that last one could be dangerous, literally).

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy Hour + Typical Saturday + Pumpkins

Friday, I left an hour early from work. Alex and I grabbed Jen and we headed to Bulls Head in Lititz for 'happy hour'. This is deceiving because they don't actually have any specials and we stayed way longer than an hour. Alex invited a bunch of people but I guess they had other friday plans so it was just us 3 for a while before we were joined by Scott and Michele and later we saw Bob and Karen. It was nice to see everyone and catch up a little bit, not to mention eat the best 'nachos' ever and split a bison burger with Alex. After Bulls Head we hung out at the McHenry's for a little bit before heading home.

Saturday, Alex went to work on the farm and I cleaned up around the house. When we got back we went to Bombergers and then Stauffers for groceries. Alex picked out some decorative pumpkins as well as some carving pumpkins for Sunday. Later in the day, I headed over to Courtney's for a little bit to hang out with her, Evander and Jen. Evander just gets cuter and cuter. I headed home for the special dinner we were planning to have, which turned out not as expected because the awesome salmon we purchased from Mr. Bill's had spoiled :(. So I whipped up some risotto and it turned everything around. After dinner, Dan and Steph came over so Dan could help Alex get the rototiller working. Steph and I chatted and watched the first 3/4ths of Bridesmaids.

Sunday, I got up nice and early to start the crock pot chicken chili and clean the house even more before our guests came over. I really don't enjoy cleaning that frequently but it had to be done. My sister, Jess came down because she needed to hit up the Apple Store, so I went with her and ended up getting two really awesome nail polish colors at Sephora. One sparkly gold and one sparkly red. I'm currently wearing the gold and i'm in love, I stare at my nails constantly. They couldn't fix her phone without an appointment so she headed home. The Hix's and Herr's arrived and we did the following: Girls- eating, chatting, pumpkin carving (i should've taken pictures, darnit!), watching the last 1/4th of bridesmaids, reigning in the men. Boys- eating, football watching, taking shots of jameson, engaging in some target shooting, being reigned in by their women. We had a great time! After they left, Alex and I got subs from Caruso's and relaxed for a while before saying goodnight to the weekend.

I regrettably did not get any nursery projects accomplished as I planned to. I am going to do the Roman Shades tonight though for sure and if that goes as fast as I think it will, I'm going to finish putting the mobile together. Because this weekend I need to get reacquainted with the sewing machine so I can start some other projects. Oh crazy baby nursery stuff!

Enjoy the week!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Crib + Baby Registry+ Evander + Football

If i had to sum up the weekend in one word, I would say, productive.

Finally, the meyer lemon tree has lemons!

Friday night, my parents came over with Makayla for dinner and to help set up the baby crib. Alex made a flank steak which was delicious and we introduced my parents and Makayla to quinoa which I think they all liked. After everything was done, I was too tired to do anything else so we just hung out a little before going to bed.

Saturday morning we didn't sleep in too much, Alex went to work on the farm and I watched Grey's Anatomy, followed by a trip to JoAnn Fabric for some supplies. I started on two projects and watched Private Practice. It's best to watch those shows on Saturday when Alex isn't home. He doesn't love them. Later when Alex got home we went to Hoss's for dinner (yum) and then watched Bridesmaids while I created our baby registry. Those things are not easy folks. Hopefully I did it right and didn't miss anything, though Courtney was giving me tons of good advice yesterday about registries so I'm sure i'll be updating it over the next couple months.

Sunday, Alex headed over to Dan's to help with an electrical project and I slept in.. a lot. I worked some more on my nursery projects. Alex came home for a little bit before heading back to Dan's to watch football. I'm pretty thankful for this because I don't generally enjoy watching football and usually when I do so I end up sleeping which is not my idea of a good Sunday, but the fact that Alex has been heading to Dan's to watch football gives me lots of time to do solo things. I went to visit the Nowak family for a couple hours and baby Evander is so freaking cute. Babies are so tiny.. it's unbelievable to me even though i've seen it with my own eyes. I also cannot believe that i'm growing one (sorry if I sound like a broken record).

Anyway, it was nice to catch up with them and get some new parenting insight. I really needed to go to JoAnn fabric again on my way home but decided I would just go later since it's really only 5 minutes down the road. I had some lunch and relaxed a little more when I got home, followed by working more on the projects. Around 6 I decided I should hit up JoAnns before they close since it's Sunday. Little did I know they close at 6. After arriving at 6:15 to a locked door, I went to the grocery store instead. I really miss having our garage door working.. it's kind of a chore having to carry 3 or more loads of groceries in through the front door instead of just in from the garage to the kitchen. Especially since I can't really carry heavy groceries for far distances. Luckily this time, Alex came home in time to help with the last trip inside. After unpacking all of that, I took some pictures of the things I was working on and wrote a couple of blog posts. I made us some dinner and messed around on my ipad while Alex watched more football or something.. soon after we called it a night. The end.

Monday, October 10, 2011

15 weeks to go!

Today marks 25 weeks (or 15 weeks to go)!

Things are still going well. I'm sorry these are so boring and that I don't have anything to report! Though i'm sure at some point i'll say, it's getting more uncomfortable.. that hasn't happened quite yet.

Things get a little crampy sometimes but I do believe that's normal considering I'm growing a human.

I did have something exciting happen on Friday though.

I got new jeans!! I ordered from Old Navy online and I freeeaking love them. Way way way wayyy better then the ones I got from Motherhood Maternity, not to mention, these don't make me look like I have a wide rear-end (or not as much). They are super comfortable and I'm sure i'll get another pair soon because I can't just wear one pair of jeans all the time (or can i?)

Let's see.. what else? Well you saw the post I did yesterday on one of my nursery projects. I'd also like to report that my parents came down on Friday and showed us how to set up the crib (we were clueless!) and it looks great. Here's a picture!

I need to do some touch-ups on it but it looks brand new with it's white paint job. Can't wait to see what the bedding looks like on it.

Next week I'll be creating Roman Shades for the room and hopefully sewing some crib sheets if there's time. I have finally decided on colors for things. I can finish the mobile next weekend too (or maybe this week) and also the wall piece I'm working on. Super pumped for the DIY things to come! (don't worry, i'll post all about them).

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Nursery {Part 3}

Part 3 is all about DIY.

I will probably have multiple parts to this "Part 3" since I have a bunch of projects going and a bunch in the queue.

For now, I'll show you the one I completed this weekend.

I saw this on Pinterest and liked it. I only recently thought about adding it to the nursery.

So here's my mini tutorial if you want to create your own.

Canvas (mine is 12 x 12)
White paper
Wax Paper
Puffy Paint
Mod Podge (or homemade version*)

Step 1, put your design on your piece of white paper, what you want to trace with the puffy paint. Since I liked what I saw on Pinterest, I just copied it. It may not be identical but I did the best I could free-hand.

Step 2, put the white paper under the wax paper and use the puffy paint to trace the outlines. Since i'm right handed, I went left to right to avoid smudging what I had already done. I probably didn't make as thick of a bead as I should've but it turned out fine.

Step 3, let it dry. The puffy paint said 4 hours. I just waited until the next day.

Step 4, peel it off the wax paper, carefully! Today, I spent time peeling and placing the pieces exactly where they would go but on the table just to make sure I had it down.

Step 5, apply one coat of mod podge to the canvas where you'll be sticking the puffy paint peels to.

Step 6, move each peeled piece over to the canvas, this wasn't the easiest thing but it surely wasn't difficult. Piece by piece I recreated the same design by staring at my original sketch.
Sorry, this is probably hard to see.

Step 7, after each piece is laid, put another coat of mod podge onto the canvas work area.

Step 8, let it dry. Test it later and if it needs another coat of mod podge, do it.

Ta dah!

This would also look cool with a different color puffy paint. I liked the white on white but it would really stand out in a different color.

*I created my own mod podge by combining one bottle of elmers glue and then filled the bottle with water, shook it and added it to the old sauce jar, then I shook that. Easy peasy. {I found the 'recipe' here}