Showing posts with label Baby Bump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Bump. Show all posts

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Baby Bump :: 18 weeks

This was last Monday. Sorry my days are so messed up, I'll try to do better. Coming soon, a weekend post. :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Baby Bump :: 17 weeks 4 days

Here is a couple pictures I took Friday morning before work. Check out my belly button, cray-zay!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Baby Bump

We look just like the button I made on the top right of the blog, right??

Here's the bump at 15 weeks and 5 days. Obviously this was weeks ago but I thought I would share it. And I know Alex is covering a lot of it but there's another one I'll share as well that was taken with Laurel. Her hand is (obviously) much smaller. Regardless. Enjoy :) I will eventually get the actual image and not have to 'steal' the proof.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

16 weeks 3 days and Nursery Inspiration

Today is 16 weeks and 3 days into pregnancy.

Things are still going quite smoothly and I couldn't be more thankful. I've had a couple of small stretching pains but nothing other than that.

The bump is getting a bit bigger as you may have seen yesterday. Here's a picture today so you can see it went back down! :)

There really isn't much else to report at this point. Just chomping at the bit to find out if it's a boy or a girl.

Moving onto the Nursery Inspiration.

When I saw the top image on pinterest, I really liked it. Obviously the colors will be a bit different since our room is currently aqua but I do plan to decide the other colors when we know the gender.

For a girl, I think orange, pink, purple and light yellow would be great and contrast well with the rest of the aqua room.

For a boy, I think orange, lime, teal and maybe silver would be cool looking. I'd obviously have to get some swatches together to make sure.

Then I saw the second image. Which shows exactly what I was thinking about doing. Squares are cool but diamonds are better. I would make them bigger then shown in this picture though since they'll be multiple colors.

I still need to figure out how i'm going to get my tape that straight on a 45 degree angle and how i'm going to make sure the paint doesn't get under the tape. More googling is in order I guess.

This is, however, why I love love love Pinterest.

And just for good measure. Here is another thing I love and plan to do in the nursery. What a great way to display books!

I could show you way more on my baby board, but if you want, just take a look for yourself. {here}

After this friday, when my sister moves out, we'll be rearranging furniture and I'll start sanding the crib pieces and the changing table to prepare to spray paint it white.

Does anyone know the rules about painting while pregnant? Obviously I want to paint a wall and spray paint some stuff, which i'll be doing outdoors when I can. But I think I might just rely on good ventilation when painting the wall. It shouldn't take too long anyway!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bumpity and Me at the Beach

I promise. That's my body. Alex cut off my head when taking the picture. Which I'm fine with.

To be honest, I feel like this bump is kind of false because it's definitely not that big this morning and this was taken yesterday afternoon. Oh the fluctuations of a baby bump.

Anyway, this marks 16 weeks and 1 day (as the doctor would say). Still feeling good/normal.

Here's a small recap of our mini vacation: (i'll do a wedding post later to recap that)

Saturday afternoon around 1:30 we headed off to Bethany. Enduring an almost 4 hour car ride, me driving.. Alex sleeping.. having belly cramps and driving stick in heavy traffic is no fun game. When we arrived, we unpacked the car and relaxed. We had pizza for dinner, played some Disney Apples to Apples and went to bed pretty early. The beds, by the way, were like sleeping on the floor. Super hard.

Sunday we went to the beach, learned how to play Settlers of Catan and watched Inception. This was also the night that the kids cooked the meal, which went over quite well.

Monday I went to the beach rather late in the day. I enjoyed relaxing in the house alone while everyone was out. We played some more Settlers of Catan and had an amazing mexican dinner. We watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.

Tuesday we went to the beach. It was overcast when we were there and quite yucky, and windy. So windy it picked up sand and stung us with it. We didn't stay long. It later got sunny.. go figure. We (of course) played some more Settlers and packed up all of our stuff. We had indian for dinner and then left for home. It took us 3 hours on the dot.

We had a great time as always. It's nice to get away for a little while. It's also nice to be home though sleeping in a comfortable bed.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

14 weeks 3 days

 See this bump. Doesn't it look smaller than the picture I took three weeks ago? Why yes, yes it does. The difference? This picture was taken this morning. The other picture was taken in the evening.

In all honesty though, the tum tum is growing little by little. I feel like my belly button is also turning into a sink hole and getting wider. Weird. I know.

I'm still feeling good. We have an appointment next week and i'm hoping I didn't gain too much weight since the last appointment. This week the baby is the size of an apple and next week it's an avocado. I guess it's a small apple if next week is an avocado, unless it's a larger california avacado as opposed to a haas avocado. Be specific babycenter! just kidding.

In other preggo news, there isn't any. Things are going smoothly and I feel great. I have been getting a little bit of throat burn which i attribute to what heartburn would feel like in the throat (but probably a little less intense). Tums take care of it.

So that's all folks. Oh, i do want to comment on the loveliness of the day. Upper 80's and no humidity is THE LIFE. Perfect night to play volleyball!

Friday, July 22, 2011


I got this in a pregnancy email from

I thought it was cute. That's how i feel in the morning but not in the evening! HA!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

12 weeks and 3 days

This is it. The first baby bump picture. This was taken wednesday night, probably not the best time due to a full day of eating.. but I feel larger than this on the regular so i'm cool with it. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to hold the camera so I took some other ones but this was the best, though i'm not loving the lighting. Unfortunately, I don't have photoshop at home and it's too dangerous to edit this at work so it'll have to do for now!

According to, the little one is the size of a medium shrimp in there. It must have tons of space to move around though because the belly is expanding at a slow pace. Slow down, belly.. I have to look at least semi-normal in my bridesmaid dress in August!