Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Our First Post!

Welcome to our blog, everyone! We wanted a safe place away from Facebook to talk about our pregnancy and keep everyone updated! We figured this would be the easiest way!

We'll start by saying we are super excited for our little bambino to make it's arrival sometime in late January 2012. Currently we just started our 13th week making me officially 12 weeks and 3 days.

How i'm feeling these days: Great! I've been feeling great all along, so not too much has changed since we found out we were pregnant.
Milestones: We heard the heartbeat on July 6th which was very exciting! We haven't gotten an ultrasound/sonogram yet though so we don't know what Baby Bru looks like but we should have one at 20 weeks where we'll also be finding out the sex! We can't wait for that one!

Well that should wrap up our first post, feel free to leave a comment below! And questions are welcomed too!