Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pregnancy Websites

My two favorite pregnancy websites are:

BabyCenter has this thing called a January 2012 Birth Club group that has all the other people who are expecting in January talking on it. It's neat to see what they're writing about, plus some people also post pictures.

Pregnancy Today has the best (i think) week by week description of how the baby is growing, what's happening to you, etc. Even before I was pregnant I read through the whole week by week just to see what I was in for.

It's still kinda crazy to me that there's a baby growing in there but last night i pushed my hand into my belly and thought i could feel the heartbeat. Who knows if that's true. They say you can start to feel bubbles or butterflies around 16 weeks (next week) and that's the baby moving. I'm sure they'll be lots of excitement next week with the wedding!

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