Monday, October 31, 2011

12 weeks left! Hello 3rd Trimester!

Preview of Halloween
 Well well well.. we're finally in the 3rd trimester. This day also marks seven months of being pregnant. Only 2 more to go!!

Exciting news! Gretchen gave me some clothes!! This should extend the time that I can wear normal clothing (her shirts are longer and some flowy-er than ones I have) not to mention she gave me some super comfy bras that I am totally taking advantage of. Thanks Gretch! That's right, my boobs are now officially huge (before it was unofficial). But i'm super excited at the fact that I don't need to buy clothes. I do however need some work appropriate black shoes that are comfortable.

Not so exciting news! I can't zip my winter coat. It's kind of sad actually. So my thought is, we'll buy Alex another coat and I will rock his for the winter. I can't bring myself to buy a maternity coat.. at least not at this point. I'm not quite that desperate yet (let's hope I don't get there either).

In baby news since this is supposed to be about the baby. She's supposedly around 2 lbs 2 oz and about 15 inches long. I obviously don't have gestational diabetes because they didn't call me with the results so she's doing quite well at this point. She still kicks around but her positioning is such that I can't feel it quite as much as I used to be able to. Laurel felt her kick yesterday a little bit.

I think I waddle a little bit. I've been a little crampy in my lower abdomen which I'm assuming is some stretching. So the tiny pain that is walking makes me waddle.. a little bit. I try to counter this as much as possible when I realize it's happening!

Whhhat else? Today is Day 8 of being sick with a sinus infection. Last night I was pretty desperate so I purchased myself a NetiPot and that seemed to work but when I woke up this morning I was back to sick and congested. So I rinsed again this morning, success again but the congestion came back quickly so I'm not sure what's really going on. I called my doctor so hopefully he has some insight. I really want to just take some NyQuil and pass out but that's not good for the baybay. I will say though, I think she's scared when I cough. How could she not be?

That's probably enough for a 28 week update, right?

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