Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Life after Baby :: Social Life

Quick nap at the Doutrich's
Now I know what it's like to have a dialed back social life. Admittedly though, prior to having Scarlett, I wasn't really the best at having a social life either but having a baby makes it far more difficult.

Sleeping at Iron Hill
I thought I would be the mom who didn't leave the house for 4 straight weeks. Granted, I still felt that way around week 2 when breastfeeding was still getting the best of me. Soon after that, we were invited to a super bowl party and wanted to go. By that point, being in the house was getting a little bit old. Watching the seasons of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice and Revenge were getting boring. Sure we had been out to go to the Doctor's offices but that wasn't fulfilling enough. So off to the super bowl party we went. We had a great time! Scarlett behaved so well (she slept through most of it). I felt far less self conscious about nursing her in someone elses house. I used my hooter hider thingy and it went well. Soon enough we would be traveling to the grocery store, Alex's parents, my parents, my grandma's houses, friends houses and it worked out fine. We were finally mobile, albeit she was riding with two parents in the car, more on that in the next Life after Baby post.

Sleeping at the McHenry's
I also thought I would be the mom who was paranoid about germs. Of course, if someone is sick or thinks they are sick, we refrain from having them hold her.. that's common sense. But we don't have people constantly washing their hands when they're around her. It's not like people are putting their germy hands into her actual mouth and she just recently started putting her own hands in her mouth which I'm sure are also germy (and lint filled, wha whaat?). This is going a little off topic from our social life so I'll get back to it.

Needless to say, we do less than we used to. Our weekends are a little more open but we like that time to relax as a family. Especially since we hit the sack around 9pm every night. But Scarlett seems to do well in all environments but is definitely the most comfortable at home. I think she's going to be a pretty laid back little girl which will be nice.

With all that said, if you haven't met Scarlett yet and you want to.. call us! We're usually free!

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